This application is a Java Desktop GUI application that is specifically designed for a recruiting agency for their processes about the candidates in their storage.
Some aspects about the application itself:
Although it is a GUI application, all the commands are taken through CLI (Command Line Interface). You can learn how to use it by reading User Guide Document linked below.
This application requires Java 9 for a proper working experience.
A summary of what can be done through this application:
Important information of candidates can be seen from GUI directly
If the candidates have their CVs in the system, it can be shown through the application.
A new candidate can be added to the storage
Candidates can be deleted
Candidates can be edited according to their aspects
Candidates can be filtered according to their every different aspect
Candidates can be sorted according to their features
Candidates can be listed and selected
Candidates can be endorsed (recommended by workers or important people)
The processes made can be undone and redone
A specific search according to the candidate name can be done
All the candidate storage can be cleared.
In Version 2.0 (expected):
CV addition/editing/deleting will be handled by the application itself.
Multiple CVs can be imported at once.
Multiple persons can be added at once.
In Version 1.4:
Basic CV presentation is added to the GUI. If there is a CV added for that person in the database, then it will be shown.
Integration tests are written for filtering, also some additions and improvements in unit tests implemented.
Reversing the filtered list is added.
Endorsement command is completed including the test codes.
Education (Schools), GPA and the degree levels of candidates can be seen through GUI.
Some improvements in sort command are made and new tests for sort command are written.
Failing system tests are fixed.
In Version 1.3:
Unit tests for filtering processes are written.
Additional sorting functionality by name, last name, gpa, education, and skills.
Endorse Command written and tested.
In Version 1.2:
Tag search function with keyword tag. Creating color coordination for each category in UI.
Filtering system will be improved and filtering for multiple entries will be added. Filtering is also made compatible with other commands.
Implement method into application ensuring it is callable through the keyword sort. The sort feature should also be able to account for new parameters (e.g. Birthday, Education level etc.) as the client requires.
In Version 1.1:
Refactoring of Tag Class
Basic implementation of filtering system is added to the application, that filters the contacts according to one of their properties.
Parameters for each contact to include valuable information for clients in their profile: Education, Grade point average.
A general method for sorting a data set with the structure used in.
In Version 1.0:
The base of the application is uploaded to the Github organization page.
Some parts of this sample application were inspired by the excellent Java FX tutorial by Marco Jakob.